
The website by our friend Mr. Jesus Quintas



With a lot of illusion and no less fear, Finally I can inform you of the opening of the webpage In it, you will find my comments and material related to the art of viewing stones (suiseki in a broad sense). Logically, we shall introduce some improvements and, of course, more material, completing some sections. Please feel invited to enter and, if you consider it interesting and worth enough, to help to disseminate it among stone lovers.

Anyway, I shall be very grateful for your impressions and suggestions, to be sent to



 Porcari (Lucca) 12nd - 13rd Ottobre 2013
XVIII National Congress of Bonsai and Suiseki Instructors
at the “Giuseppe Lazzareschi Foundation “ premises
 Photo by Mrs. Luciana Queirolo
Mr. Sandro Segneri, IBS President, had written :
“The sole aim  of this Congress  is to promote  the  Bonsai  and Suiseki culture. The congressional   activities will therefore propose ,  in addition to the exhibition of Bonsai and Suiseki exemplars,  didactical activities  which render usable the approaching to the two arts .”

And  Mr.  Massimiliano Bertini,  president of the “Cultural Association of Bonsai Lucca”, young reality  born at beginning of 2013 , writes :
“Two days which we will remember for long time , two days  which have made us grow; the plates, in themselves are not important but it is important what there is behind, it is important to have in some way contributed to   the culture, essential  for understanding deeply a so ancient  art which still with difficulty  we succeed to signify  with our plants.


I am happy to have heard encouraging words by the president of IBS  Sandro Segneri, who urged us to try something more deep in the Bonsai  and not only something of botanical  technique”.
For the Suiseki the  IBS Instructor Chiara Padrini  has  participated to the event , in addition to Angelo Attinà, Ezio Piovanelli, Luciana Queirolo , IBS Instructors and AIAS members.
No IBS plate has been granted, therefore, out of the annual Scholarship.
Chiara Padrini , as BCI  director  for the suiseki , has assigned two BCI  Honour  medal to a Bonsai and  to the  Suiseki “ The wave” of Ezio Piovanelli.
 The exemplars in exhibition

"The step of the giant tortoise"
Luciana Queirolo
Jiegou stone - China

“Sweet landscape”
Mr. Angelo Attinà
Malachite on matrix
of Mrs. Chiara Padrini 

“The wave “
Mr. Ezio Piovanelli


Mrs. Chiara Padrini
Dahua river stone


 "The Life"
Mr. Angelo Attinà


"Waterfall Stone"
Mr. Ezio Piovanelli






The Giareda Feast 2013

 Reggio Emilia 7th-8th September 2013
XXII  Bonsai-Suiseki  Exhibition
 Text by Mr.Ulisse Maccaferri  photo by Mrs. Luciana Queirolo
  As every  year, during the Madonna della Ghiara  feast , the Giareda  arrives  on time, national rendezvous of bonsai , suiseki and kusamono.
The  tested  experience of  “The Elen Bonsai Club”, the magnificent organization  of the exhibition  and the desire (almost an abstinence  after the summer  rest) assemble  in Reggio Emilia a good part of the Italian lovers  and not. 

Unlikely in other exhibitions ten bonsaists find themselves to work  simultaneously wonderful  plant   exemplars.
The passion  and the skill of Mr. Enrico Savini with his pupils  of Future Project, vitalize  the two days contest.

This year , in addition to the simultaneous workshop of 10  clubs, there was also the attendance  of Mrs. Silvia Orsi with her books and her passion in spreading the increasing mania of accompanying plants , kusamono and herbs in pots.
Another appointment has been the exhibition concerning  us  , of suiseki.
In consideration of the proximity  with the AIAS congress it has been somewhat  snobed   by the great winners of the previous years .  All  even though , 20 stones  were in contest.
Priceless the attendance  for two days of  Mrs. Luciana Queirolo   who although the long libations has  made her utmost in long  explanations, discussions and finally in the final judgement.
The reporter  for one day Ulisse , together to other AIAS members attending , have made as much as possible to advertise  our art. The most inexpert public remained enchanted by the natural shapes  of  displayed stones. We hope that someone of them can become fond.

At right , the tableful  ready to grant  and satisfy all numerous participants .

As by  custom , there has been a final verdict  and an awarding. At the first three places , two AIAS members . Always   our member has been the winner of the IBS plaque.
 First prize to the landscape stone of  Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri
The exhibition

The front The back
 Second prize, object stone of Mr. Angelo  Attinà
The exhibition
(in the background the AIAS members Angelo Attinà and Remo Cavalli)

The front The back
 Third prize to the object stone of  Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri
The exhibition

The front The back
 The IBS plate to  “Woman with child” of Mr. Cesare Fumagalli
The exhibition

The front The back
Worthy of merit  the other participant stones  of the members: Castagnetti, Rabitti, Fumagalli and ABC of Castelfranco, among the renowned  participants  The Bonsai Club of Genoa.

The front The back

The front The back

The front The back

The front The back

The front The back

The front The back

The front The back

The front The back

The front The back

The front The back

The front Close view

The front The back

The front The back

The front The back
  We have left on Sunday evening , well loaded , ready for the exhibition in Pescia. We hope that next year  will bring new friends  to the exhibition. It is always fine to stay together and make what we love most…

And goodbye to 2014, great Giareda...

Ulisse Maccaferri

The new pages about the 16th A.I.A.S. Exhibition and Congress - 2013 Edition

In Pescia  has taken place the 16th A.I.A.S. Exhibition and Congress - 2013 Edition.
You will find images and news on the exhibition to the following pages :

Kind Visitors are informed that for reasons of space the pages devoted  to the A.I.A.S. Congress 2011 have been moved in the page "Brushing up old photos".

Mr. Carlo Laghi relates about "Gonzaga 2013"

9th Market Show
9th-10th March 2013
Gonzaga (Mantova)

The appointment with Bonsai World, organized by the Gonzaga Bonsai Club,  gathers the enthusiasts of plants  and stones : Clubs and Associations of half Italy are invited. Also various sellers  of pots, plants, stones, and specific tools  were present.

For us of the A.I.A.S., a get together where members speak, discuss and compare each other without the worry of the awards , in friendship as the Maremmano ,  now  international nickname of the member Mr. Carlo Maria Galli,  says.

With great surprise ,  just arriving on Friday night, I have met Mr. Francesco Artifoni , A.I.A.S. member  of some year ago who  had displayed an interesting collection  of Katane (Japanese  swords) .



He has told us about all the manufacturing process of the swords, of the metal fusion, to the forging, the sharpening, the polishing and to the  different blessings of the various stages. The blades have an impressive edge.

As last year Mrs. Sonia was also present  with her Japanese dolls , also she has explained the various dolls and their meaning : on seeing the whole  it seemed a small court with the Emperor and wife.

Remarkable the silks and the colours of kimono  in exhibition.



The kimono  displayed 

  Mrs. Sonia during her lecture on japanese dolls  

The dolls of Mrs. Sonia : a whole glance 



Particulars of some dolls from which the perfection of the smallest particulars are evident.


To finish a parade  of pots, glasses, Raku and Gres  bowls : Two girls  manufactured  the various pieces  starting from the fluid part of the starting material , shaping it in the various typologies.
Let  us  speak  about the exhibition . On Saturday morning  after having placed stones  and plants in display , the opening ceremony  and the reception party ; for the description  about seventy stones there were exhibited.




The fitting

  The opening ceremony  

How many stones exhibited !

In the afternoon the member Mr. Maccaferri, supported by the President of the organizing  Club Mrs. Laura Redini,  has explained the way to build the daiza ;  nearby the table “SOS Bonsai”  with the Gonzaga  members at work.  



Ulisse, Laura and ... the daiza

  The A.I.A.S. members  

The position of the “SOS Bonsai”


On Sunday morning  “SOS Bonsai” goes on  and Mr. Igor Carino  (also he had been Aias member) test himself  in the manufacturing of a “Moon stone”  pot : starting from a fluid mass, it is moulded on a round stone, beated , dried with an hairdryer , refined  he has told us  the various phases manufacturing a very fine “Moon stone pot”.




From its establishment  the event  offers to the exhibitors  the food : the specialities of the territory  have been offered , the whole washed down with a very good Lambrusco  red sparkling wine.

And it will be  due to this very good light wine ….. but it seemed  to us that a very known personality  had  intervened !




The moment of the ….. libations!


To finish with Clubs and Associations  at the moment of greetings , a diploma and a Lambrusco wine confection, just labelled “Bonsai World”,  is offered. 

A dutiful thank to Mrs. Laura Redini and to all her Club  for the very nice welcome. 

A wish of prompt recovery  to Chiara , member of the organizing  Club, and good-bye  to next year.

Mr. Carlo Laghi

The suiseki in display


Mr. Angelo Attinà
Mr. Angelo Attinà


Mr. Angelo Attinà
Mr. Alberto Barduzzi
"Two summits "

Mrs. Cinzia Batignani
Mrs. Cinzia Batignani

Mrs. Cinzia Batignani
Mr. Marco Bellucci












Mr. Gianni Bonato
Mr. Gianni Bonato

Mr. Remo Cavalli
 "Where everything started"
Mr. Flavio Catrani

Mr. Felice Colombari
Mr. Felice Colombari

Mr. Felice Colombari
Mr. Mario Crema

Mr. Mario Crema
Mr. Mario Crema
"Starring sky"


Mr. Amedeo Ducoli
Mr. Amedeo Ducoli

Mr. Amedeo Ducoli
Mr. Amedeo Ducoli
 A particular

Mr. Amedeo Ducoli
 A particular
Amedeo Ducoli

Mr. Gian Luigi Enny
Mr. Gian Luigi Enny

Mr. Gian Luigi Enny
A particular
Mr. Gian Luigi Enny
A particular

Mr. Gian Luigi Enny
Mr. Cesare Fumagalli

Mr. Cesare Fumagalli
Mr. Cesare Fumagalli

Mr. Cesare Fumagalli
Mr. Cesare Fumagalli

Mr. Cesare Fumagalli
Mr. Cesare Fumagalli

Mr. Cesare Fumagalli
Mr. Cesare Fumagalli

Mr. Cesare Fumagalli
Mr. Cesare Fumagalli

Mr. Cesare Fumagalli
Mr. Cesare Fumagalli
 A particular

Mr. Cesare Fumagalli
 A particular
Mr. Cesare Fumagalli
 A particular

Mr. Carlo Maria Galli
  "The waiting"
Mr. Carlo Maria Galli
 "Mountain Chain"

Mr. Carlo Maria Galli
Mr. Carlo Maria Galli

Mr. Carlo Maria Galli
Mr. Carlo Maria Galli
  A particular

Mr. Carlo Maria Galli
A particular
Mr. Carlo Maria Galli
  A particular

Mr. Carlo Maria Galli
A particular
Mr. Carlo Maria Galli
  A particular

Mr. Ettore Gardini
  "Life promise"
Mr. Ettore Gardini
  "At daybreak"

Mr. Carlo Laghi
  "Morning Breeze"
Mr. Carlo Laghi

Mr. Carlo Laghi
Mr. Carlo Laghi

Mr. Carlo Laghi
Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri

Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri
Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri

Mr. Ezio Piovanelli
Mr. Ezio Piovanelli

Mr. Ezio Piovanelli
Mr. Primangelo Pondini
Time marker" 

Mr. Primangelo Pondini
 "A patch of infinity"
Mr. Danilo Pretolani
 "The dragon cove"

Mrs. Luciana Queirolo
Mrs. Luciana Queirolo 

Mrs. Luciana Queirolo
Mrs. Luciana Queirolo 

Mrs. Luciana Queirolo
Mrs. Luciana Queirolo 
Mrs. Luciana Queirolo

Mr. Renzo Rabitti
"The fortress"
Mr. Renzo Rabitti 

Mr. Renzo Rabitti
"Cobra snake" 
Mr. Roberto Rampazzo

Mr. Roberto Rampazzo
Mt. Roberto Rampazzo
"The tower"

Mr. Roberto Rampazzo
Mrs. Laura Redini

Mrs. Laura Redini
Mrs. Laura Segna
Pattern Stone

Mrs. Laura Segna
Mrs. Laura Segna
"The refuge"

Mr. Lorenzo Sonzini
Mr. Piero Torsani

Mr. Attilio Valdifiori
"Sweet hills"
Mr. Attilio Valdifiori

Club ABC of Castelfranco
Club ABC of Castelfranco


Ercolano, Naples
Villa Campolieto
22nd-24th February 2013

"Exhibition of the soul, of the mind and of the heart"

Report by Mrs.Daniela Schifano
In an extraordinary venue , Villa Campolieto in  Ercolano, has taken place the third edition  of the National Exhibition “Kokoro-No Bonsai Ten 2013 of Bonsai and Suiseki: Exhibition of the soul , of the mind  and of the heart”, organized  by the friends of the Napoli Bonsai Club.
The President of the Club , Mr. Antonio Acampora, has explained the birth and the meaning of the Kokoro, which then develops in the theme  of the exhibition : invented by the master Mr.Hideo Susuki, it wants to indicate the union among the mind , the soul and the heart, represented in Japan with a sole character exactly “Kokoro”, and which practically “defines the attitudes and the behaviours of whom is devoted to the bonsai”.

The event , which  has had the patronage of the Campania Region, of the Ercolano Community and of important  national associations such as UBI, IBS, BCI,AIAS and the NBSKE, took place in the ancient halls of Villa Campolieto, one of the eighteenth Century residence  built by noble Bourbons, located in the layer of the Vesuvio  along the famous Golden Mile and pointed out on the gulf of Naples . Bonsai and Suiseki in contest have found a place in the richly frescoed halls , while at the entrance Visitors were  welcomed by six sosakukazari, a creative display of bonsai, suiseki,  handwritings and ikebana.

Every display has been prepared in all particulars , starting from a main theme , the arrival of the Spring. Five Bonsai and one Suiseki have then been coupled to an handwriting , realized by Mrs. Daniela Di Perna  or by an ikebana  realized by Mrs. Maria Domenica Castrì.

The sabine juniper of Mr. Sandro Segneri has been coupled  to an haiku of Matsuo Basho, whose spring kigo  clear waterfalls is reported in the handwriting by the teacher Mrs.  Daniela Di Perna in the Gyosho-Sosho style.


The suiseki of Mrs. Daniela Schifano, an island stone, has been coupled to an haiku of Tachibana Hokushi,  whose spring kigo lost in the fog  has a recall  in the ikebana of Mrs. Maria Domenica Castrì ,  representing the fog  surrounding  the island , while the peach bud remembers both the coming spring and the immortality.


The arriving of the spring is announced by the ikebana camelia bud , arranged in a raku pot leaned over a small canes’ matting , to evidence the acquatic environment  in which  closeness the itoigawa juniper of Mr. Matteo Testa lives.

A program rich of great interest hints  has accompanied the days of  exhibit :
  • The direct working of Mr. Tiberio Gracco  of a shitakusa pot  has been accompained  by the lecture of Mr. Massimo Bandera  on the aesthetic of pots and accompanying  erbs ;
  • Mrs. Luciana Queirolohas compared  some Japanaese schools on the difficult and disputed  subject of a suiseki display;
  • Mr. Antonio Acampora has had an involving lecture on the cultivation and choice of  accompanying erbs.
  • the simultaneous  Bonsai demos of the Bonsai Creativo School and of the Mediterranean Bonsai School;
  • the workshop and  the “Shodo” handwriting demo  with display of works cared by Mrs.  Daniela Di Perna;
  • the workshop  and the ikebana demo  cared by Mrs. Maria Domenica Castrì ransui  of the Sogetsu school;
  • the lecture of Mr. Luca Bragazzi on the chlorophyl growth and of the photosynthetic  function in Bonsai trees.
  The suiseki in contest  were 16, and in addition there was displayed out of contest the stone of Geppino Mauriello “The shark”.

The sole judge of the event, Mrs. Luciana Queirolo,  A.I.A.S. President and IBS Instructor, has assigned the awards  offered by the Napoli Bonsai Club . In addition she has selected the stone for the Aias plate, for the IBS plate and for the plate presented  by the Bonsai Suiseki Magazine, while Mr. Massimo Bandera has assigned the BCI certificate. Finally the ItalianSuiseki team   has selected the stone  for their own plate of merit.


The suiseki in display  


1° Prize for Suiseki 
  Kokoro-No Bonsai Ten 2013 Award
Mrs. Daniela Schifano
Pattern Stone  - Mon' yo -seki
"Plots of branches, sparks of light"


Mention of Merit
  Kokoro-No Bonsai Ten 2013 Award
Mr. Fabrizio Buccini
Mountain Stone - Yamagata-ishi


Mention of Merit
Kokoro-No Bonsai Ten 2013 Award
  B.C.I. Award
Mrs. Laura Monni
Island Stone - Shimagata-ishi
"Magic at Sesel"


A.I.A.S. Plaque
Mr. Cosimo Pepe
Object Stone - Sugata -ishi
"Yurikono yume - The dream og Julia"


I.B.S. Plaque
Mrs. Daniela Schifano

Island Stone - Shimagata -ishi
"On the sky and sea courses"


Bonsai Suiseki Magazine Award
ItalianSuiseki Award
Mr. Geppino Mauriello

Mountain Stone - Yamagata-ishi


Mr. Raffaele Cacace

Mountain Stone - Yamagata-ishi
"Gaugamela : beginning and ending of great kings"


Mr. Giuseppe Cordone

Pietra Oggetto - Sugata-ishi
"Escaped woman"


Mr. Paco Donato

Mountain Stone - Yamagata-ishi


Mr. Giuseppe Filocamo
Tunnel Stone - Domon-ishi


Mr. Filippo Lanfranchi
Object Stone - Dobutsu-seki
"The ever lasting wisdom"


Mr. Antonio Marino
Island Stone  - Shimagata-ishi


Mr. Antonio Marino
Object Stone  - Sugata-ishi

Mr. Geppino Mauriello
Out of contest

Object Stone  - Dobutsu-seki
"The shark"


Mr. Ninh Huu Hiep

Lake Stone  - Tamari-ishi

Mr. Umberto Ziniti

Mountain Stone - Yamagata-ishi
"Travelling unexplored valleys "


Mr. Umberto Ziniti

Mountain Stone - Yamagata-ishi
"The sacred Mountain labyrinth"

XV Bonsai and Suiseki Exhibition of the San Marino Coordination Emilia-Romagna

November 24th and 25th 2012
XV Bonsai and Suiseki  Exhibition 
of the San Marino Coordination Emilia-Romagna

 Report by Mr. Carlo Laghi

The annual appointment of the C.E.R.S.M., initially expected in September  in Ferrara , on account of the earthquake, has shifted to the end of November  organized by the Romagna Bonsai Club in Rimini.

The postponement has allowed to the visitors to observe the plants, and in particular the deciduous ones, in their winter  appearance : the missing of leaves , inevitably has laid bare and in evidence the smallest defect.


Eight Bonsai Clubs  and two Bonsai Schools there were present  for a total of 39 plants  and 27 stones  (the home Club has furthermore showed 16 bonsai and suiseki of members). The Clubs were allowed to present in contest 4 plants and 2 stones  each one : we of the Forlì Club , having especially lovers of stones , we have applied the primaries  and  for the stones those of Mr. Claudio Villa and Mr. Primangelo Pondini have participated to the contest.

  IThe work has allowed me to participate , and to attend only on Sunday.  As soon as arrived I have seen the stones , the plats, the fittings ,the working and lectures spaces, the secretary office:  we are speaking of the hall placed at the first floor in the building of the Arengo which looks on Cavour square right in the historical centre; an hall of high capacity  38 mts. long  and 14,50 mts. wide.

For the occasion tables for 90 linear mts. have been arranged, but further 10 linear mts. were available : do you imagine  an hall containing 100 exhibition places full of stones in a future AIAS Congress ??
The exhibition places
The Secretary office   The lectures space   The workshops space
The  regional Coordination  is reserved to the Clubs and to  their  members of the region and I  could never  have  expected to meet the AIAS member Mrs. Laura Monni , roman citizen here in Rimini. I had promised to the AIAS member Mr. Remo Cavalli, organizer of the event, that I should have attended to a lecture  and I would have talked about my experiences in the suiseki field and that I have done.  
The contest “Regional Talent”     The …speaker of the lecture
  At the end of the lecture I and the other members have met and talked with Mr. Hong and his daughter Miyuen  (Korean living in Milan who had already visited us at the 2011 Bonsai World in Gonzaga).

They had brought 7 stones  of which , in my opinion, 4 or 5 outstanding ones , and in the afternoon we have discussed of these stones  for a couple of hours.

They  will be revisiting Bonsai World 2013 in Gonzaga.
 The stones of the friend Hong
AIAS has granted the patronage  to this event  because the Romagna Bonsai Club  is duly entered with the Association; the attendance of board members and old members has allowed to assign  the plate put at disposal  : for not facing discussions, it has been decided to exclude the stones, even superior , of AIAS members  and the plate has been presented  to the landscape stone of Mr. Valerio Perdonà.
The AIAS members, Mr. Remo Cavalli and Mr. Claudio Villa, deliver the AIAS plate to Mrs. Perdonà.       The stone winning the AIAS Plate.
The numerous visitors have chosen, as preferred stone,  the landscape “Stormy summits” of Mr. Claudio Villa,  already winner of the AIAS Trophy 2006.  Resuming for the report the winners :
For suiseki :

1°Mr. Claudio Villa with a landscape stone
2° Mr. Renzo Rabitti

with a landscape stone
3° Mr. Primangelo Pondini c

with a landscape stone
Aias Plate to Mr. Valerio Perdonà
Visitors’ Award  to Mr. Claudio Villa
For  bonsai :

1° Mr. Remo Cavalli  with a Korean hornbeam
2° Mr. Davide Cardin  with country elm
3° Mr. Fernando Poli with an acer
UBI Plate to Mr. David Cardin
IBS Plate to Mr. Robert Semprini
Memorial Faitanin of the RSM Club to Mr. Stefano Frisoni
CERSM Regional Talent to Mr. Enrico Masini
Visitors’ Award  to  Spazio Bonsai
  The plates   

The Aias member  Mr. Remo Cavalli , receives the plate 1st classified of Bonsai contest.

From my part I thank the organizer friend , together with his Club , to have involved me in this successful exhibition .
Mr. Carlo Laghi
The suiseki in display


Mr. Alberto Barduzzi


Mr. Alberto Barduzzi
"I am the hearth"

Mr. Rolando Calanca


Mr. Rolando Calanca
"Snowy peak"

Mr. Flavio Catrani

"Toward the future"

Mr. Flavio Catrani
 "Rocky mountains"

Mr. Remo Cavalli

Mr. Remo Cavalli

Mr. Remo Cavalli

"Intriguing presence"


Mr. Ettore Gardini
"The time... sun water and wind"
Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri


Mr.Ulisse Maccaferri
  Landscape Stone

Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri
  Object Stone


Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri
  Landscape Stone

Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri
Object Stone


Mrs. Laura Monni

"Magic at Sesel"

Mr. Leo Mugellesi
 "Owlet "

Mr. Leo Mugellesi


Mr. Valerio Perdonà
  AIAS Plate

Mrs. Maria Petillo


Mrs. Maria Petillo
"The lion"

Mr. Primangelo Pondini
3° Prize
A patch of infinity"

Mr. Renzo Rabitti
2° Prize
"Lovers’ Cove"

Mr. Renzo Rabitti


Mr. Daniele Rinaldi
"St.Mary (At daybreak of a new world)"

Mr. Piero Torsani

Mr. Piero Torsani

Mr. Claudio Villa
1° Prize

"Red traces at sunset"

Mr. Claudio Villa
Visitors’ award
"Stormy summits"



The new pages about the 15th A.I.A.S. Exhibition and Congress - 2012 Edition

In Bondeno di Gonzaga has taken place the 15th A.I.A.S. Exhibition and Congress - 2012 Edition.
You will find images and news on the exhibition to the following pages :

Kind Visitors are informed that for reasons of space the pages devoted  to the A.I.A.S. Congress 2010 have been moved in the page "Brushing up old photos".

The Crespi Cup 2012 : 10th Internazional Meeting of Bonsai and Suiseki

Parabiago (Milan)
from 14th to 23rd  September 2012

Crespi Cup 2012

10th Internazional Meeting of Bonsai and Suiseki

Text and photos by Mrs.Daniela Schifano

This year, the edition of the Crespi Cup 2012, which takes place every two years  in Parabiago organized by family Crespi, has been an event not to miss. Arrived at its 10th edition, never as this time the show has offered in ten days a non-stop full of events, meetings, workshops and lectures on oriental arts, from ikebana to sumo, from cooking to origami, from sumi-e to the paper and tissues working. The fascinating world of Bonsai and  Suiseki, which  in any case attracts a demanding public, becomes the occasion to know in a deeper way the oriental world.
Many the international guests intervened : from great Chinese masters, Mr. Chuangang Liu e Mr. Jiuwei Huang, who have presented particolar works  in windswept and Penjing styles, to Mrs. Gudrun Benz, who has had a lecture on the Japanese esthetic  in  Bonsai and in Suiseki, in memory of her husband Mr. Willi Benz, to Mrs. Chiara Padrini, who has commented the suiseki in display.
On Saturday afternoon I have succeedeed to assist to the lecture of Mrs. Gudrun Benz, who since 1980, together  with her husband Mr. Willi Benz, has devoted  herself  to bonsai and  suiseki, contributing to the drawing up of books and articles. The lecture was based on the Japanese esthetic applicable to bonsai and  suiseki and  was dedicated to the memory of Willi, unfortunately passed away last year. Mrs. Benz will be honour guest to the next AIAS Congress, where she will be called to the compelling task of judge.  


Furthermore, for the most exigent passionates, the exhibition of kakejiku cared by Mr. Lorenzo Sonzini, AIAS member,  has offered the unloosable occasion to admire about 20 ancient  rols of the Edo period , dated so among  1603 and  1868.

Obviously the exhibition of bonsai and suiseki remains the great attraction of the event. This year furthermore the exhibition has been organaized in a new pavillon  much elegant and inviting.

37 were the suiseki in exhibition of which many presented by AIAS members intervened.
Among them, the  suiseki of Mr. Angelo Attinà, a human shaped stone already prized at  the ESA Congress 2011, has been conferred the prestigious BCI Excellence Award.
On the right, the numerous group of AIAS members attending in the closing day of exhibition: Mr. Ezio Piovanelli, Mr. Cesare Fumagalli, Mr. Alberto Barduzzi, Mr. Amedeo Ducoli, Mr. Felice Colombari, Mrs. Daniela Schifano, Mr. Lorenzo Sonzini and Mr. Giuseppe Cordone.
Attending with their own stones the members Mr. Claudio Villa, Mr. Carlo Vanni and the already nominated Mr. Angelo Attinà.

Since the stones have been showed anonimus,  we can mention the names of owners only for those of whom we have recognixed the stones. We are however at disposal of those who recognizing their own suiseki would like to publish their name. The classifications are those indicated in the labels displayed in the exhibition.
  I close this short report with the images of a moment during which together with Mr. Lorenzo Sonzini  I have abbandoned the heaby reflections on the Japanese esthetics to play at samurai and  to the geisha... also this happens at Crespi Cup !  
Mr. Jiuwei Huang, sole judge helped by Mr. Luigi Crespi, has so choosen the stones which have awarded the prized in contest  :
1° Classified and  winner of  2012 Crespi Suiseki Cup Trophy
Mrs. Chiara Padrini

Mountain stone

2° Classified
Mr. Igor Carino

Slope stone

3° Classified
Mr. Silvano Provasi

Animal shape stone

Menzion of  Merit
Mr. Giorgio Rosati

Distant mountain stone

BCI Excellence Award
Mr. Angelo Attinà

Human shape stone

The other stones in display
Mr. Giuseppe Cordone
AIAS Member

Tunnel stone
  Mr. Felice Colombari
AIAS Member


Near-view mountain stone
Mr. Amedeo Ducoli
  AIAS Member


Coastal rock stone
  Mr. Cesare Fumagalli
  AIAS Member

Object  stone
Mr. Ezio Piovanelli
AIAS Member

  Waterfall stone
  Mrs. Daniela Schifano
AIAS Member

Island stone
Mr. Lorenzo Sonzini
AIAS Member
Waterfall stone
  Mr. Carlo Vanni
AIAS Member

Near-view mountain stone
Mr. Claudio Villa
AIAS Member

Mountain range stone
  Mr. Fabrizio Buccini


Human shape stone
Mr. Luca Zeni


Near-view mountain stone
  Mr. Franco Mauri


Mountain stone
Mr. Carlo Gori


Coastal rock stone
  Mrs. Anna Maria Amato


Near-view mountain stone
Mr. Fabrizio Beltrame


Distant mountain stone
Mr. Jean Claude Febb

Human shape stone
Distant mountain stone
Hut stone
Near-view mountain stone
Human shape stone
Animal shape stone
Shelter stone
Mountain stone
  Jeong-ya Seok
Korean stone - Coast Nam Han
Human shape stone
  Dolgore Seok
Korean stone
Daruma shape stone
Island stone
Mountain stone
Slope stone
Mountain stone
Mountain stone

The XVI U.B.I. Congress

Arco (Trento), 4-6 May 2012

      The XVI National U.B.I.Congress

Testi e foto di Daniela Schifano

Per la quarta volta, la manifestazione Arcobonsai, organizzata dall'Arcobonsai Club Garda Trentino, ha ospitato il Congresso Nazionale U.B.I. : dall'unione dei due convegni è nata una manifestazione ricca di eventi, dai numeri imponenti.


Più di 100 i bonsai esposti, circa 50 spazi commerciali, una area congressuale ben organizzata che ha permesso di partecipare a workshop bonsai, conferenze ed una dimostrazione dal vivo sulla creazione di un vaso da bonsai, tenuta da Tiberio Gracco. 
Il Salone delle Feste dell'ottocentesco Casinò Municipale di Arco ha ospitato i bonsai in mostra, mentre i suiseki sono stati esposti in una saletta a loro riservata.

Nel corso della manifestazione è stato presentato il libro di Silvia Orsi sull'uso delle piante spontanee per la creazione di Shitakusa e Kusamono.

I suiseki iscritti erano nove, quindi sono stati tutti ammessi a catalogo. Due non erano selezionabili per i premi U.B.I. in quanto esposti dal vicepresidente U.B.I. Marino Nikpal e dal giudice U.B.I. Ezio Piovanelli, istruttore I.B.S.,  ma sono stati ammessi alla assegnazione delle Targhe I.B.S. e A.I.A.S., ad opera rispettivamente dei giudici Luciana Queirolo, presidente A.I.A.S.,  ed Angelo Attinà, istruttore I.B.S..

Nella giornata della domenica, gli appassionati dell'arte dei suiseki hanno potuto assistere alla conferenza di Luciana Queirolo sulla esposizione su vassoio (suiban oppure doban) di una pietra, conferenza ricca di informazioni preziose e corredata da numerose immagini di esempio. Dall'evoluzione della esposizione, dagli esempi più antichi fino ai giorni nostri, alle forme ed i colori dei vassoi, dal posizionamento della pietra alle dimensioni e alle proporzioni, per finire con il colore e la granulometria della sabbia, nessuno argomento è stato tralasciato.

L'arriverderci è per la prossima edizione del Congresso U.B.I., che si terrà a Vieste nell'Aprile 2013, organizzata dal Daunia Bonsai Club di Foggia in collaborazione con il Bonsai Club Primo Cielo di Acquaviva delle Fonti di Bari.

The suiseki admitted to the Catalogue :

U.B.I. Suiseki Award 2012
"Eneepah, mirage island"
Landscape Stone - Liguria
Mr. Carlo Scafuri

U.B.I.  Mention of  Merit
Mr. Angelo Attinà
"Montagna a due picchi"
Landscape Stone - Liguria 

 U.B.I.  Mention of  Merit 
Mr. Filippo Lanfranchi
Landscape Stone - Liguria

  I.B.S. Plaque
Mrs. Daniela Schifano
"Perenne attesa"
Landscape Stone - Liguria

 A.I.A.S. Plaque
Mr. Marino Nikpal
Object Stone - Dalmatia
Out of contest

Amatori Bonsai e Suiseki Genova Club
Landscape Stone - Liguria

Mr. Antonio Marino
Object Stone - Calabria

Mr. Ezio Piovanelli 
"La porta del cielo"
Landscape Stone - Lombardia
Out of contest

Mrs. Luciana Queirolo
New Kikka-seki
Pool Stone - Japan
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