5th Trophy Town of Poppi: report of Mr.Carlo Laghi


Poppi, June 19th - 20th 2010 


“Town of Poppi”


Report by Mr. Carlo Laghi

On 19th and 20th June 2010, various Bonsai and Suiseki lovers, included myself, coming from Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio and Emilia Romagna, have found themselves  in Pioppi  on occasion of the 5th Bonsai and Suiseki Trophy "City of Poppi" .
Thanks to the friend and organizer  Mr. Andrea Benevieri, in 2010 the location  of the exhibition has passed inside :  this year novelty  is the staging in the inside rooms  of the Giorgi Palace , kindly put at disposal  by the municipality  of Poppi (did you know that Poppi is included in the list of the "Best villages of Italy" ?)
The site of Conti Guidi Castle  was and remains a more intriguing  location for bonsai  and suiseki exhibition, but do you believe  that for three consecutive years at middle June in Pioppi has rained  and so much ?
Let us come to the  real exhibition.


Have been presente stone  which the Judge  Mr. Fabrizio Buccini  has awarded,  mentioned  and discussed  with their owners.
For the suiseki  2 plates have been put  at disposal  such as "Best Suiseki"  and 3 plates  as "Mention of merit"
Then there has also been a sort of twinning between the Bonsai Club City of Pioppi and the Bonsai and Suiseki Club of Forlì and I have been called  to deliver , as Club Representative, the prize put ad disposal  and assigned by the members of the Forlì Club.
Another point of prideis to have involved in the suiseki art two friends of Rimini, soon becoming  A.I.A.S. members.


And now the winners :
Best suiseki : "Without time" of Mr. Attilio Valdifiori
Best suiseki : "The time,...sun, water and wind" by Mr. Ettore Gardini
Mention : "Summits over the hills" by Mr. Remo Cavalli
Mention : "I bend down to you"  by Mr. Sergio Bassi
Mention:  "The destination of the wind"  of Mr. Claudio Nuti
"Award of Bonsai and Suiseki " Club Forlì - landscape in a suiban of Mrs. Cinzia Battignani
As duty report  the plants have been judged  awarded and discussed  by Mr. Giorgio Castagneri, the demos  on the plants by Mr. Mario Pavone and Mr. Giorgio Castagneri

The plates for "Best suiseki"  have been assigned to :

"Without time"
by Mr. Attilio Valdifiori
"The time,...sun, water and wind"
by Mr. Ettore Gardini

The three "Mention of merit"  have been assigned to :


"I bend down to you "
by Mr. Sergio Bassi
"Summits over the hills"
by Mr. Remo Cavalli
"The destination of the wind "
by Mr. Claudio Nuti

The award  of the Forlì  Bonsai and Suiseki Club  has bee assigned to :


Landscape in suiban
by Mrs. Cinzia Batignani

The other stones in display :

Biseki stone

 by Mrs.Cinzia Batignani

Lake stone

 by Mr. Fabrizio Buccini


Landscape stone

 by Mr. Carlo Galli

Landscape stone

by Mr. Carlo Galli


"The family"

 by Mr. Carlo Galli

"To the origins"

by Mr. Carlo Laghi



 by Mr. Carlo Laghi

"Perfume wind in your valleys"

by Mr. Claudio Nuti


Landscape stone

 of Mr. Cristiano Rosadini

Mr. Cristiano Rosadini