
In Reggio Emilia the Giareda Feast

4th and 5th September 2010


XIX Giareda Feast


Reggio Emilia
Report by Mrs. Luciana Queirolo

On beginning of September, Reggio Emilia  hosts the Giareda Feast : historic rendevous, which every year gathers aroud the Blessed Virgin Basilica  of the Giareda  and  in Garibaldi Avenue  the Reggiana citizenship for a rendezvous of great symbolic value.

Thanks to the organization cared by the Helen Bonsai Club, by the President Mr.Vanni and by all club's members, the Giareda arrived to the XIX edition, has become  so as few events in Italy, a firm point of meeting for Italian Bonsai and suiseki lovers.

To this 2010 edition  have not taken part, however many A.I.A.S. members, occupied on other  fronts : exhibition of local Clubs of belonging.

Among the stones exhibited, Mrs. Luciana Queirolo has assigned the First, the Second and the Third prize  of the Helen Bonsai Club Giareda 2010 and the "IBS plate   for best suiseki" mentioning in addition  three suiseki particularly meritorious.


On Sunday September  4th there has been the meeting   among participants and the public  for the comment about the evaluation on which is based the assignement of the awards; the comment will be published in the A.I.A.S. Newsletter next mailing.

 The awarded suiseki


1° Prize 
assigned to a stone of Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri


2° Prize
 assigned to Genova Bonsai Club

3° Prize



I.B.S. Plate

 assigned to Genova Bonsai Club

Three exemplars with particular  aesthetic qualities

Mention of Merit

Mention of Merit

Mention of Merit

The other suiseki in display



A stone unfortunately drasticalli cut

The Convention EBA & ESA 2010

June 11th-13th 2010 , Zurich (Swiss)
Convention EBA & ESA 

report by A.I.A.S. President Mrs. Luciana Queirolo

In the days 11th,12th and 13th June 2010 has been held in Swiss, in the premises of the Design Museum  of Zurich the annual E.B.A. Congress, jointly with the European Suiseki Association Congress.
As assosciate and E.S.A. Board member , as representative of the Italian Association of Suiseki lovers, also associate of E.S.A., I had been informed about the unusual setting which our stones should have had : on isolated columns and without background, precluding every possibility to hang scrools ... an inadeguate  scenography which, not leaving space to personal performances should have positively adapted the whole of the exhibition, giving space to the evocative power of the single exemplars displayed.

I could not be present but with two stones of mine, being satisfied  to observe  from photos what the Italians intervened in Zurich could enjoy  "de visu". Suiseki of E.S.A. members  have been placed in a small room  of reduced dimensions and in case people should have presumed that the black walls should have dissimulated the real dimensions, widing same in the indefinite, on the contrary from the images a sense of waving oppression is evident.

The only vision which allows  the observer diserve a comforting "breath"  is the clear niche where the stone of our A.I.A.S. member Mr. Ezio Ferrari "Towards the sky"   has been displayed,  a stone which we had the chance to admire  at the A.I.A.S. Congress 2009 in Lugano.

The sole judge Mr. Willi Benz  has assigned  the first price  to a Furuya stone  of Mr. Harald  Lehner (from Mr.Arishige Matsuura) and the second place  to the "Toyana-ishi" of E.S.A. president in office Mr. Igor Barta.

Kinzan-seki of 
Mr. Harald Lehner

Toyama-ishi of 
Mr.Igor Barta

The A.I.A.S. member Mr. Claudio Nuti  has been awarded  with the third  place  with the Chinese  object stone, winner of the first price "Object stone category" at the A.I.A.S. Congress 2010 in San Marino.

To the landscape stone of the A.I.A.S. member Mr. Ettore Gardini, UBI prize 2010, has been assigned  the BCI  Award.

To the Kinzan-seki  of Mr. Harald Lehner  has been presented the A.I.A.S. plate  delivered by A.I.A.S. Vice President Mr. Marino Nikpal  and by Board member Mr. Vito Di Venere.
In addition to the suiseki "Tormenting nostalgia" of Mrs. Luciana Queirolo, A.I.A.S. Trophy 2009 and to the viewing stone of Mr.  Enzo Ferrari, the participation of the Italian Exhibitors, members of the A.I.A.S.,  has been much large as well as the numerical presence of Italian visitors.

The other stones of the partecipating A.I.A.S. members.

Mr. Amedeo Ducoli

Mr. Amedeo Ducoli


Mr. Angelo Attinà

Mr. Angelo Attinà

Mr. Sergio Bassi

Mr. Giuseppe De Vita

Mr. Giuseppe De Vita

Mr. Vito Di Venere

Mr. Marino Nikpal

Mrs. Luciana Queirolo

"The Wave" , of Mr. Jesús Quintas 

"Iwojima", lake stone of Mr. Jesús Quintas 

Mr. Jesus Quintas, A.I.A.S. member and E.S.A. Board member,  reports :
"For the next year the Congress will take place in Dusseldorf (Germany)  from Septeber 30th to October 2nd in a large structure while for the 2012 in Slovenia  around May-June. Always in 2011 an International Exhibition of Bonsai and Suiseki  will be held in Praga around Ma-June."

A section of the exhibition has been reserved exclusively to some meiseki of Mr. Martin Pauli collection, known  expert who attended as Judge in 2009 A.I.A.S. Congress of Lugano.


5th Trophy Town of Poppi: report of Mr.Carlo Laghi


Poppi, June 19th - 20th 2010 


“Town of Poppi”


Report by Mr. Carlo Laghi

On 19th and 20th June 2010, various Bonsai and Suiseki lovers, included myself, coming from Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio and Emilia Romagna, have found themselves  in Pioppi  on occasion of the 5th Bonsai and Suiseki Trophy "City of Poppi" .
Thanks to the friend and organizer  Mr. Andrea Benevieri, in 2010 the location  of the exhibition has passed inside :  this year novelty  is the staging in the inside rooms  of the Giorgi Palace , kindly put at disposal  by the municipality  of Poppi (did you know that Poppi is included in the list of the "Best villages of Italy" ?)
The site of Conti Guidi Castle  was and remains a more intriguing  location for bonsai  and suiseki exhibition, but do you believe  that for three consecutive years at middle June in Pioppi has rained  and so much ?
Let us come to the  real exhibition.


Have been presente stone  which the Judge  Mr. Fabrizio Buccini  has awarded,  mentioned  and discussed  with their owners.
For the suiseki  2 plates have been put  at disposal  such as "Best Suiseki"  and 3 plates  as "Mention of merit"
Then there has also been a sort of twinning between the Bonsai Club City of Pioppi and the Bonsai and Suiseki Club of Forlì and I have been called  to deliver , as Club Representative, the prize put ad disposal  and assigned by the members of the Forlì Club.
Another point of prideis to have involved in the suiseki art two friends of Rimini, soon becoming  A.I.A.S. members.


And now the winners :
Best suiseki : "Without time" of Mr. Attilio Valdifiori
Best suiseki : "The time,...sun, water and wind" by Mr. Ettore Gardini
Mention : "Summits over the hills" by Mr. Remo Cavalli
Mention : "I bend down to you"  by Mr. Sergio Bassi
Mention:  "The destination of the wind"  of Mr. Claudio Nuti
"Award of Bonsai and Suiseki " Club Forlì - landscape in a suiban of Mrs. Cinzia Battignani
As duty report  the plants have been judged  awarded and discussed  by Mr. Giorgio Castagneri, the demos  on the plants by Mr. Mario Pavone and Mr. Giorgio Castagneri

The plates for "Best suiseki"  have been assigned to :

"Without time"
by Mr. Attilio Valdifiori
"The time,...sun, water and wind"
by Mr. Ettore Gardini

The three "Mention of merit"  have been assigned to :


"I bend down to you "
by Mr. Sergio Bassi
"Summits over the hills"
by Mr. Remo Cavalli
"The destination of the wind "
by Mr. Claudio Nuti

The award  of the Forlì  Bonsai and Suiseki Club  has bee assigned to :


Landscape in suiban
by Mrs. Cinzia Batignani

The other stones in display :

Biseki stone

 by Mrs.Cinzia Batignani

Lake stone

 by Mr. Fabrizio Buccini


Landscape stone

 by Mr. Carlo Galli

Landscape stone

by Mr. Carlo Galli


"The family"

 by Mr. Carlo Galli

"To the origins"

by Mr. Carlo Laghi



 by Mr. Carlo Laghi

"Perfume wind in your valleys"

by Mr. Claudio Nuti


Landscape stone

 of Mr. Cristiano Rosadini

Mr. Cristiano Rosadini


The XIV U.B.I. Congress

San Marino Republic, April 16th-18th 2010

      XIV National U.B.I. Congress
A considereble increment in the participation of suiseki has marked this edition of the National U.B.I. Congress: in fact, well 26 stones have been presented in the contest,  evidence of an increasing interest of U.B.I. members  for the suiseki.
Mr. Andrea Schenone, I.B.S. instructor, has this year been the judg who has  displayed out of contest a Kikka seki  of chinese origin.

Mr. Ezio Piovanelli , I.B.S. instructor, has been entrusted by the U.B.I.  to comment the displayed stones
The U.B.I. has received the desidered, official acknowledgement  of  the sponsorship of the Ministery  for the Properties  and Cultural Activity with the "Prize -giving of the Ministery for  Properties and Cultural Activity of the Italian Republic" and of the Award  of the San Marino State Secretary  for the Culture.
To underline the great success  of this  event's edition, the UBI Board has decided to admit in the Catalogue , for this year, all displayed stones.

In addition to the U.B.I. awarding, the A.I.A.S. and I.B.S. plates have also  been granted by judges  Mr. Marino Nikpal, U.B.I. Vice President and I.B.S. instructor and by Mr. Angelo Attinà, I.B.S. instructor.

Suiseki in exhibition :

Out of contest
 Mr. Andrea Schenone

U.B.I. Suiseki Award 2010
Mr. Ettore Gardini


U.B.I. Mention of Merit
Mrs. Luciana Queirolo
U.B.I. Mention of Merit
Mrs. Daniela Schifano

I.B.S. Plate
Mr. Claudio Villa
A.I.A.S. Plate
Mr. Cesare Fumagalli

Mr. Domenico Abate
Mr. Lorenzo Agnoletti

Mr. Angelo Attinà
Mr. Paolo Bonaiuto

Mr. Gianni Bonato
Mr. Antonio Conte

Mr. Giuseppe Cordone
Mr. Giuseppe De Vita

Mr. Vito Di Venere
Mr. Enzo Ferrari

Mr. Carlo Laghi
Mr. Cosimo Loparco

Mr. Luigi Maggioni
Mrs. Elvira Manuti

Mr. Geppino Mauriello
Mr. Claudio Pecol

Mr. Gianni Picella
Mr. Ezio Piovanelli

Mr. Lorenzo Sonzini
Mr. Mauro Stemberger

Mrs. Grifa Tarluttini


April 20th - May 2nd 2010
 Arco di Trento
 Town Casinò Convention Centre


The staff of the Arco Bonsai Club, guided by the overflowing (in liking and organazing ability) of the twentyfive years President Mr. Gabriele Sbaraini, has this year granted us three very nice days , full of flowers, colors, bonsai & suiseki  in exhibition, friendship, libations and show. 

Yes, the organizing machine has operated as ever in an impeccable conduct.
In exhibition , the stones of six I.B.S. Instructors : Mr. Angelo Attinà, Mr. Massimo Bandera , Mrs. Chiara Padrini, Mr. Ezio Piovanelli,   Mrs.Luciana Queirolo , Mr. Andrea Schenone.
Three the awards granted :
to "The plateau of the solitary hills" by Mrs. Luciana Queirolo, a stratified Ligurian palombino compared with similar material of chinese origin, has received : "The Fuji Sato Trophy  as best suiseki " and  "The BCI Recognition Award  as best suiseki of the XV IBS Congress".
to  the object human shaped stone  of Mr. Angelo Attinà "The BCI Recognition Award as best suiseki of the XXV Arcobonsai".

The images of the I.B.S. Instructors' stones :

BCI Recognition Award
as best suiseki of the XXV Arcobonsai
Mr.Angelo Attinà
Object stone
Mr.  Angelo Attinà


 Mr. Massimo Bandera
"Whale stone"
(Japanese Daiza)

Mrs. Chiara Padrini
"In the peach trees valley"
 Mrs. Chiara Padrini

Mr. Ezio Piovanelli
"Dream's Island"
 Mr. Ezio Piovanelli
"The lake's prince"

BCI Recognition Award  
as best suiseki of the XV I.B.S. Congress
Fuji Sato Trophy  as best suiseki
Mrs. Luciana Queirolo
"The plateau of the solitary hills"
 Mrs. Luciana Queirolo

Mr. Andrea Schenone
 Mr. Andrea Schenone
Landscape Stone

The new pages about the 13th A.I.A.S. Exhibition and Congress - 2010 Edition

In San Marino Republic has taken place the 13th A.I.A.S. Exhibition and Congress - 2010 Edition.

You will find images and news on the exhibition to the following pages :


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