Mr. Carlo Laghi relates about "Gonzaga 2012"

8th Market Show
10-11th March 2012
  Gonzaga (Mantova)

The appointment of  late winter to “Bonsai World” in Gonzaga was , in my opinion , tasty also for "The Fair Lambrusco  and Tastes”. But on Friday  March 9th evening, in the parking of the fair , I soon realized that the connected Fair of Tastes had been shifted in another  place and date.

But on Saturday morning tanks to the concerno of Mrs.  Laura Redini, organizer of the event, who has put me in contact  with the President of the local Social  Cellar and of Mr. Ettore  who has taken me to the neighbours  of   the store shop of the Social Dairy    and six  boxes of  Lambrusco  and 6 Kos. of  Reggiano Parmisan  have with my great satisfaction  finished in the ”wide holds” of my camper .


I was saying “Bonsai World” orphan of tastes , but connected to the “Fair of Toys” and this has brought  numerous  people  also in our pavillon  where in addition to stones and bonsai were also present  tables  with cultural  Japanese activities : Mrs. Sonia with her private collection of Japanese dolls  really beautiful but non for sale; Mrs. Miho teacher of kimono dressing , tea ceremony , of shodo , who had  on her table cloths, cups and tools for tea;  finally a Japanese girl  who wrote   dedicated  ideograms for people attending.



The exhibition of Mrs. Miho

Mrs. Sonia and her dolls


33 Clubs-Association  were present and 11 sellers . These the connected  events , during the Saturday:


opening ceremony of  the Exhibition, dinner , 1st part of the “Multi stands” theory, workshops on plants  by the members of Gonzaga Club, with Mrs. Miho  a wonderful kimono dressing ceremony and a tea ceremony  after dinner.

Mr. Andrea, husband of Mrs. Sonia, who has lived in Sapporo Japan  for many years, where he met Mrs. Miho, has translated  for us  the various  moments  of the ceremonies , enriching the waiting moments with the news  on the  unwinding of the daily  Japanese life.


The kimono dressing ceremony



The tea ceremony


 The didactic moment on multi stands exhibition

Sunday morning free of activity but not for me and  AIAS member Mr. Roberto Rampazzo who have been engaged  of photos  After dinner , workshop of plants by expert Mr. Castagneri of Bonsai Time, felpe by Maurizio member of the Gonzaga Club, Mrs. Sonia has explained  and has let us see all the various dolls ; for us Aias members  the 2nd practical part on exhibitions in “multi stands”  playing  to put toghether different  composithions and trying to put black over white the guide-lines  following the dictates of Mr. Willi Benz.



The demonstration of Mr.Giorgio Castagneri


Also on Sunday AIAS ha discussed
on multi stands


What else to say: the hospitality of th Bonsai Club Gonzaga  and of Mrs. Laura redini , President of the Club,  was excellent ,  easily overcoming problems  caused by the increasing  number of legs under the tables (for description 120 people at lunch , 80 at dinner  on Saturday  and over 120 at lunch on Sunday).

The merry surprise has been the introduction of cultural Japanese activities  which have entertained  the present people .




The Saturday lunch....


... how many we were !


Let us speak of stones: 26 Aias members were present  of which 20 in activity. About sixty the stones  exhibited  19 of which in multi stands with up to 5 stones displayed  thus overcoming  the total number of stones.


Another surprise  at the awarding  and at greetings moments:

to all Club and partecipating Associations the certificate has been delivered , properly prepared  by Franco, and a package of Lambrusco  wine purposely labelled  for “Bonsai World”.


A sincere thanks from me and of all AIAS to the members of Gonzaga Bonsai Club and in particular to Laura, Franco, Ettore, Chiara, Giuseppe and Martino.

Good-bye  to next edition

Mr. Carlo Laghi

The suiseki in display


Mr. Marco Bellucci
Mr. Marco Bellucci
"Horse head"

Mr. Flavio Catrani
Mr. Flavio Catrani
"Over the clouds"

Mr. Flavio Catrani
"Combed by the wind"
Mr. Piero Torsani
"Open sesame ! "

Mr. Piero Torsani
"Nazca lines"
Mr. Piero Torsani

Mr. Felice Colombari
Mr. Felice Colombari
"Thousand valleys"

Mr. Felice Colombari

Mr. Gianluigi Enny
Mr. Gianluigi Enny

Mr. Roberto Rampazzo
"The nest"
Mr. Roberto Rampazzo

Mr. Roberto Rampazzo
Mr. Roberto Rampazzo

Mr. Primangelo Pondini
"The mesa"
Mr. Primangelo Pondini
"Inaccesible summits"

Mr. Primangelo Pondini
"The stone collector"
Mr. Alberto Barduzzi
"Nigthly sky"

Mr. Alberto Barduzzi
Mr. Alberto Barduzzi

Mrs. Cinzia Batignani
Mrs. Cinzia Batignani

Mrs. Cinzia Batignani
Mr. Carlo Galli

Mr. Carlo Galli
Mr. Carlo Galli

Mr. Mario Crema
Mr. Mario Crema

Mr. Mario Ferrari
Mr. Ezio Piovanelli

Mr. Cesare Fumagalli
Mr. Cesare Fumagalli
"Source of life"

Mr. Cesare Fumagalli
Mr. Cesare Fumagalli
"Human figure"

Mr. Cesare Fumagalli
Mr. Cesare Fumagalli

Mr. Cesare Fumagalli

Mrs. Luciana Queirolo
Mrs. Luciana Queirolo

Mr. Angelo Attinà
Mr. Angelo Attinà

Mrs. Laura Redini
Mrs. Laura Redini
"Musk ox"

Mr. Lorenzo Sonzini
"Be reviled he who thinks badly"
Mr. Lorenzo Sonzini
"Black Aphrodite"

Mr. Lorenzo Sonzini

Mr. Erio Castagnetti
Mr. Erio Castagnetti

Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri
Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri

Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri
Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri

Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri
Mr. Ulisse Maccaferri

Mr. Carlo Laghi
"Hideko coming back to the village"
Mr. Carlo Laghi
"Water ways"

Mr. Renzo Rabitti
Mr. Renzo Rabitti

Mr. David Ternali
Club ABC of Castelfranco

Mr. Maurizio Bianchi
Mr. Maurizio Bianchi

Mr. Maurizio Bianchi