Old news 2006

By Igor Barta the relationship about the EBA & ESA European Bonsai and Suiseki Convention in Poland

In the castle of Ksiaz not far from the city of Walbrzych in the days from April 28th till May 1st   2006 there were held the congresses of the EBA and of the ESA. The Congresses were held together with the exhibition of bonsai and suiseki, this complete event was included into the Polish national exhibition of flowers, held in the castle of Ksiaz every year.
The attendance of both exhibitions was huge thanks to this enterprise.
Suiseki were placed separately in two rooms on the third floor together with the bonsai of Polish growers. 
In the whole there were exhibited 34 stones coming from six country .
Mr. Igor Barta , Mrs. Sarka Cermakowa, Mr.Antonin Krejcir, Mr.Dalibor Stribrny  and Mr. Karel Serak from Czech Republic, Mr. Michal Sebo and Mrs. Ella Gornerova from Slovak Republic , Mr. Will Benz from Germany, Mrs. Luciana Queirolo , Mr. Cesare Fumagalli, Mr. Angelo Attinà, Mr. Marino Nikpal, Mr. Giuseppe De Vita from Italy , Mr. Bogdan Pociak from Poland and Mrs. Yvonne Graubaek from Denmark exhibited their stones. The whole exhibition was organised by Mr. Igor Barta and Mrs. Sarka Cermakova and Michal Sebo.
Mr. Barta arranged not only the exhibition , but had also a lecture about his travel for stones to Thailand and Laos.

The exhibition of suiseki was very successful for Polish publicity and it is possible that this art will get here  many enthusiasts in the future.

In this way I would like to thank all my friends from , who delivered their beautiful suiseki for displaying to this exhibition. 








































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