News and images by X° National UBI Congress and ESA Convention 2006

Alberobello,  June 1st - 4th 2006

X° National UBI Congress

On occasion of the UBI Decennial, the  2006 UBI catalogue is edited enriched with a special Section “Bonsai Master” dedicated to the bonsai plants (autochthonous) awarded during the UBI Congresses from 1997 to 2006 years and officially recognized by UBI as Important Italian Bonsai Exemplars.

Every UBI member has right to a copy of the Catalogue “Best UBI Bonsai and Suiseki” of the present year plus 4 numbers of the review “”. The catalogues can in addition be purchased separately.

For information apply to: UBI – Via Brodolini 14 – 63020 Montappone (AP)


For the Suiseki section , the UBI Award 2006 has been assigned to “The rock of the dragon” of  Mrs.Luciana Queirolo.  The UBI Mentions of Merit have been assigned  to “The refuge” of Mr. Angelo Attinà and to “The Storm” of  Mr. Jesus Revuelta


The prize “AIAS plaque” in the UBI Exhibition.

“Full moon over the sea”.

Chinese Biseki stone of Mrs. Maria Rosa Bonet


The images of the stones admitted to the UBI Congress 2006 are published on the Aias News Letter “Summer 2006” on kind permission of the UBI President Dr. Amleto Della Rocca.


E.S.A. Convention 2006


AIAS plaque 

to Mr. Fabrizio Buccini

“The great white guard”

 Origin : Italy

BCI President Award
to M.Rosa Bonet
“Waterfall stone”
 Origin : Japan
IBS plaque
to Mr. Willi Benz
Green Jade Mountain” Origin : California (USA)

The stones of the E.S.A. members


The stones of  Mr.Angelo Attinà


The stone of  Mr.Igor Barta


The stone of  Mr.Sergio Bassi


The stones of Mr.Willi Benz


The stone of  Mrs.Sarka Cermakova


The stones of Mr.Giuseppe De Vita


The stones of  Mr.Vito Di Venere


The stones of Mr.Marino Nikpal


The stones of Mr.Ezio Piovanelli


The stones of Mrs.Luciana Queirolo


The stones of the "Club Unici di Liguria"