Mr.Carlo Laghi relates the 9th Suiseki Exhibition-Parade at Cusercoli Castle

 View of Cusercoli Castle

11th and 18th  November 2012
9th Suiseki Exhibition-Parade "Cusercoli Castle"

Cusercoli Castle - (Forlì - Cesena)

Report by Mr. Carlo Laghi


The poet wrote “Jesus Christ stopped in Eboli”, instead the A.I.A.S. Trophy stopped in Cusercoli.

For us keen members and all the cusercolese community it has been a very big satisfaction : personally I am doubly pleased , in addition to have cooperated in the daiza construction , I can see it all days long because it has stopped in my condominium ….. no , I am not the winner of the Trophy but my friend Attilio Valdifiori.

Really exhilarating the friend’s quips during the dinner at the restaurant “La Picina” expecially those of the A.I.A.S. member Vincenzo Ziliotti, from Parma but Romagnolo of adoption.

I remember you that the review has been conceived to spread the word of Suiseki , while only in the last years it has become a forestage where A.I.A.S. members of the Forlì Club , among which 4 from Cusercoli, showed to the citizenship the “exemplars” of the year, awarded and not in the various exhibitions.

On Sunday November 11th the friend and A.I.A.S. member Cesare Fumagalli has come in Romagna to visit us and the exhibition , host of Ettore Gardini , for a stage on native durmasts.

To finish two words about our friend Ulisse Maccaferri : it is always a pleasure to see again and to give hospitality to an old friend as well as master : he was the one who started us to this art and for this we will be always grateful and thankful to him.

For the chronicle Ulisse has chosen as best stones :

“Toyama-ishi”, landscape stone of Attilio Valdifiori

“Zen Monk”, object stone of Ettore Gardini

“Timekeeper” biseki stone of Primangelo Pondini

Furthermore he has mentioned :

“Kannon”, object stone of Primangelo Pondini

“The spider’s web”, patter stone of Carlo Laghi

On Sunday November 11th the public had chosen as preferred :

“Red traces at sunset” landscape stone of Claudio Villa

There have not been novelties but only a project , an idea, to photograph the stones displayed with a more professional system of recording and having seen that the work has been done by the Haiku writer Alberto Barducci …… the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Good bye to next year , it will be the 10th edition, I think and hope a great meeting.

Mr. Carlo Laghi
The suiseki in exhibition

The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Alberto Barduzzi

"Three mountains" 

"Black island"



The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Renzo Elespini



The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Ettore Gardini

"Zen Monk

Best Object Stone

"At daybreak"

 The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Carlo Laghi


"The spider's web"
Mention of  Merit


"Returning back home"

"Returning back home"
A particular

"And it is just autumn"

"And it is just autumn"
A particular

The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Primangelo Pondini


"Time marker"
Best Biseki Stone

"A patch of infinity"


Mention of  Merit


The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Agostino Pretolani




The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Attilio Valdifiori


Best Landscape Stone


The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Claudio Villa

"For ever together
under the moonlight

"Red traces at sunset"

"September’s impressions"

"September’s impressions"
A particular

"September’s impressions"

A particular

"September’s impressions"
A particular

The suiseki exhibited by Mr. Vincenzo Ziliotti


"Small dragon"